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Homemade fresh tomato sauce (vegan gluten free)

I got a bunch of tomatoes from my dad. He's been obsessing over buying veggies and fruit from Tanay since he's been traveling there a few times a week.

Since the tomatoes were so cheap (20php per kilo) he buys a ton. So instead of leaving these babies to rot (they likely won't eat all of them anyway), I decided to take some of them home for my meal prep.

Making the sauce was super easy. I was actually in the middle of prepping for a class I was going to teach the next day when I decided to start on the sauce. 

I started with about 1- 1.5 kilos of tomatoes. Put them in a deep pot with water and waited for it to boil. In hindsight and upon reading recipes after (yes I know it was too late for research) I should have blanched them instead. 

Anyway, it worked out pretty well cause I didn't overlook the tomatoes. I took them off the heat when the skin started to go wrinkly and put them in an ice bath to stop the cooking process and also to make them easier to handle.

I peeled the tomatoes and then blitzed them for a few seconds in my high powered blender. I didn't bother taking the seeds out as I don't mind the seeds being there (and I was too lazy 😬). If you prefer a chunkier sauce, you can opt to use a food processor taking care not to over process.

Once that's done, using the same deep pot (so I didn't have to wash a lot of pots), I poured the puréed sauce into it, turned on the heat to medium and kept stirring and cooking until it was reduced to about half. It took about 60-90 mins.  If you've reached the texture you prefer, you can opt to stop anytime past the 30 min mark but I prefer a thicker sauce. 

After cooking, add in about 1/8 c of lemon juice (I used calamansi) and about 2 tsp of salt.  Feel free to adjust the taste or add other spices to your liking. 

This stores in the fridge for about2-3 weeks. You can freeze it up to about a month but my stock doesn't usually last that long. 

Here's a quick video of how I did it.  Enjoy! 


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